Craig M. has been selected as P&S Transportation’s November 2019 Flatbed Driver of the Month.
Craig has been with P&S Transportation since May 8, 2019. He has completed simulator training with P&S Transportation and has not negatively impacted P&S’s CSA scores with any negative points in any BASIC. Craig is widely regarded as very pleasant to work with.
Mitch Bookbinder has worked with Craig since 1985 (WOW! That’s 35 years!!) and has this to say about Craig: “Craig has been widely regarded as intelligent, dedicated, safe, thoughtful, reliable and totally professional by all who are fortunate to work with him. If Craig has a deficiency, I have yet to learn it. Customers who know him feel the same way I do about Craig. He gives the job 100%. Having Craig on the road for us is like having a manager on the road. If every driver had Craig’s talent and level of dedication, everyone’s job would be a daily delight.”
If you see Craig, be sure to congratulate him on winning P&S Transportation’s November 2019 Flatbed Driver of the Month!