Congratulations to Steaven E., our P&S Transportation Flatbed Driver of the Month for May 2020!
Steaven has been with P&S since August 2006, which is just shy of 14 YEARS!! Steaven has had a long, rewarding driving career with P&S Transportation, where he has successfully participated in many of our safety initiatives, such as Simulator training, where he has scored very well every time he has taken a course. He has been diligent in completing his monthly Drive for Gold training, as well as completing additional quizzes and extra training whenever it is posted and available to him.
In getting to know Steaven, he will tell you that he regularly helps other drivers understand “not to take shortcuts.” He helps them to tarp and safely secure their freight, even when it costs him time out of his day. He regularly helps make sure other drivers have enough equipment as well. Drivers frequently ask him questions and he is always happy to help answer them. His philosophy is that “there is no shortcut, period.” He would tell you that having a good attitude has gotten him a long way, both in his career at P&S Transportation, and in life as well. Steaven is a man of faith, and he also encourages regular and meaningful conversations with Driver Managers to help keep himself and all drivers productive and successful.
Steaven’s driver manager, William Callen, had this to say about him. “I would like to nominate Steve E. He has been with P&S since 2006, always has a positive attitude, and is a pleasure to work with. I have been working with Steve on a daily basis for the past year and in that time he has made it clear that his focus is on teaching and educating other drivers around him, whether that be on safety, cargo securement, or general knowledge of freight and lanes. Steve is one of the smartest and safest drivers in my fleet. He has more than 1.5 million miles with P&S Transportation. Therefore, due to Steve’s positive attitude, commitment to Safety, and overall effort to help any and all PS Logistics drivers, I want to nominate him for Driver of the Month.”
Congratulations, Steaven!