Robert Lawrence — December 2014

Driver of the Month

Congratulations to Robert Lawrence for receiving P&S Transportation’s Flatbed Driver of the Month Award for December 2014 . Robert just completed 2 years with P&S Transportation and has been a tremendous asset to our flatbed company.

His driver manager sent the following nomination: “Robert Lawrence is an all-around great example of what P&S stands for. Robert is willing to run anywhere and anytime. If we are in a pinch, he is willing to step up and do whatever is needed. I have been working with him for about a year and I can honestly say that not one day has gone by where Robert hasn’t asked how I am doing or how my family is doing. His thoughtfulness goes a long way. He never complains, and when I ask him how he is doing – he is always “doing great” as well. He doesn’t let life on the road get him down, instead it gets him up and going to tackle what’s at hand and he does it safely. This flatbed driver is someone who delivers GREAT wherever he goes.

Next time you see Robert be sure to tell him congratulations and let him know how much he is appreciated.