Sheldon Johnson – June 2014

Driver of the Month

Congratulations to Sheldon Johnson for receiving June’s 2014 Driver of the Month award. Sheldon has been a flatbed truck driver with P&S Transportation since the very beginning. His hire date was August 2004. Sheldon has always taken pride in his job and is a positive representative of P&S. Below is the nomination sent in by his driver manager:

“I would like to nominate Sheldon Johnson as Driver of the Month. He’s always willing to help the company when we need help. He delivers his loads on time and does it without damaging the cargo. His years of safe driving experience are an asset to the company. This is a driver who cares enough about his job to do it right the first time balancing safety and service responsibly and successfully. As Driver of the Month he would represent P&S well. Sheldon is proud to be a part of P&S and P&S is fortunate to have him as a team member.”

Please help me in congratulating Sheldon over the next month by telling him “great job” when you see him.